Thursday, November 21, 2019


The tape drives must be in NDMP-type storage units. The following table lists NetBackup Series, Series, and Virtual Appliance supported functionality and indicates the minimum NetBackup Appliance Release version required for support of that functionality. Configure the media server to be both a deduplication storage server or load balancing server and an FT media server. Codeless, visually-designed forms and process workflows cater to most self-service needs. Cloud Configuration File Packages. Tape Libraries - Legend. Check the Operating Systems server table for the exact version of NetBackup in which OpsCenter server support started. netbackup 7.6 upgrade

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Upgrade to Symantec NetBackup 7.6

Version "3" means versions 3. Optimized Duplication cannot be performed across NetBackup domains. Replication Director - Vendor Compatibility. Where support is shown for "Windows Server Datacenter" it also means that the other editions of Windows Server and Windows Storage Server are supported. Instant Recovery for VMware.

netbackup 7.6 upgrade

The following table also contains links to Veritas Articles with information on identifying the version of upgrare NetBackup Replication Director plug-in.

For instructions on installing vendor plug-in packages on NetBackup Appliances, see "About OpenStorage plugin installation". For more information about the cause and the resolution of this issue, see: Some specific hybrid storage solutions have been tested as NetBackup AdvancedDisk storage units, in Veritas labs, with joint effort and in cooperation with Veritas storage partners.

Snapshot Client - Software-based Snapshot Methods. NetBackup Hardware Compatibility Documentation: Fibre Transport Media Server. Symantec Security Information Manager. This article is in list format, but may read better as prose.

Thank You | Symantec NetBackup 7.6 Upgrade Fact Sheet

NetBackup Series Appliances Deduplication. Optimized Duplication Whole Image Copy. The backup and restore traffic occurs over a SAN.

SwiftStack Object Storage S3. Filling up the available disk space on a virtual device may cause unpredictable behavior of the device. When Veritas does not have such a support relationship in place with the third-party vendor, or when the vendor ceases to support such product sthen our ability to support Veritas Licensed Software operating with such vendor's product s may be limited, affected, or prevented and such third party product s may cease to be part of Veritas-supported configuration s.

netbackup 7.6 upgrade

Customers and business users can perform self-service backup and restore operations using intuitive, custom-designed interface themes. This document contains links to important information about Replication Director requirements, latest issues, best practices, product documentation, limitations, and eLearning tutorial videos.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The table below shows when a NetBackup cloud configuration and device mappings RPM package is required for configuring cloud providers with NetBackup Appliances.

Netbacoup Cloud Infrastructure S3.

OpsCenter Analytics is the licensed version of OpsCenter. Patches for Operating System.

You may also refer to the English Netbackuo of this knowledge base article for up-to-date information. This free disk space requirement assumes that you have already performed the best practice of completing a successful catalog backup before you begin the upgrade.

NetBackup 7.x Upgrade Portal

Contents for details click on upgrdae checkbox Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Support for specific storage devices such as tape drives, libraries, and virtual devices is not listed in this section.

netbackup 7.6 upgrade

Reference "Disabling security certificate warnings ulgrade from browsers" instructions in the NetBackup OpsCenter Administrator's Guide. Instant Data Access 3. Retrieved 19 November If the resources are shared with other users, NetBackup cannot manage disk pool capacity or storage lifecycle policies correctly.

The key points contained below offer guidance and suggestions to help guide customers to a successful upgrade experience.

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