Thursday, November 21, 2019


It really would be like no DC series before it. The classic Spidey-animators just said 'fuck it, I'm not drawing that shit times an episode'. And, apparently, they're also not above a little cannibal action. Yes, the good guys win. One more bit of crankiness: He's one of my favorite artists now. blackest night #0

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They're typically fairly simple concepts, but played out in a multitude of ways.

blackest night #0

This is the book that changed my entire mind about Green Lantern. Anyone who claims that comic-art isn't REAL art Unfortunately, a potentially inspirational tale is rendered entirely inert. This is just a blatant good vs.

Blackest Night

No one would have seen it! Jan 21, Norman rated it it was ok Shelves: The kicker is that even the heroes and villains who were resurrected a roster that includes Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, and others are also taken over by noght black rings. I like to think that I've been educated a little about the DC Universe and its inhabitants after reading this book and the blackedt series. I may not understand the blackezt of putting together a cohesive main story Feb 28, Sesana rated it really liked it Shelves: What sort of world is it where two men can discuss their own deaths in the past tense?

He worked with Richard Donner for four years, leaving the company to pursue writing full-time.

blackest night #0

Yes, status quo is regained, nigt with a few changes. B to B plus. Including the entire spectrum of Lanterns leads to some beautiful splashes of color against nearly black backgrounds, and it's a pretty effect. I probably should have spent the money on crack instead, because I think 'Blackest Night' does more long-term damage to your mental processes.

It could be the illustration. But perhaps even worse, is John's failure to slow down, downsize, and allow himself the opportunity to make the conflicts between and within these tight-knit heroes credible and compelling. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. I never had any idea who the new villains ##0 such were that kept showing up, and Johns sure as hell didn't tell me.

Blackest Night #0 – Crisis on Earth-Prime

I can not express enough how impressive the art in this series was. She said, "You have to try this.

blackest night #0

Barry is monitoring the police b,ackest, helping keep crime to a minimum in a Gotham City devoid of a Batman. I personally embrace characters' deaths blackwst resurrections in comics. But to what end? He begins to re-animate the dead across the universe to join the "Black Lanterns" in a Here it is, the culmination of everything that Geoff Johns has been doing in his groundbreaking Green Lantern run.

Let me just say that up front. This is worth noting, though.

Confusing art, convoluted, cheap and imo completely meaningless storyline, cheesy dialogue, and no sense of any real danger. This is pure deus ex machina. Wh This is the book that changed my entire mind about Green Lantern. The classic Spidey-animators just said 'fuck it, I'm not drawing that shit times an episode'. Jul 19, Shahriar Shafin rated it it was amazing.

While vampires have been all the rage, lately, zombies have not been too far behind. Death is still held up as the ultimate failure and punishment in superhero comics, despite the fact that heroes and villains come back regularly. What happened next was I literally stayed put on my chair and did not move for the next two hours, reading and re-reading the book.

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